

The project was complex and the schedule time sensitive. Your commitment and performance exceeded our expectations.

J.E. Dunn Construction Company

I would highly recommend Sturdisteel to anyone thinking about installing a new or refurbishing and existing outdoor grandstand.

Nickerson Corporation

We enjoyed working with everyone at Sturdisteel on our latest project. We’ll definitely be contacting you when we are ready to expand.

Methodist Children’s Home

The work has been of the highest quality and we continue to receive feedback on the fine craftsmanship. I would highly recommend Sturdisteel on any project.

Barcom Commercial, Inc.

They made every effort to ensure a successful project. I would highly recommend Sturdisteel and look forward to continuing our relationship in the future.

Edcon, Inc. General Contractors

Sturdisteel has continually met and exceeded our expectation in quality, safety and schedule while maintaining their budget.

Hensel Phelps.
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CASH Annual Convention

Palm Springs Convention Center
Palm Springs, CA
Feb 24-26
Booth 1423